... new business spaces & business models will open new business opportunity for all stakeholders in the legal ecosystem.
... our clients will explore new business opportunities and navigate a largely (legally) undefined space – and will need legal guidance & support!
... so much is unclear, ambiguous and yet to be defined! The legal ecosystem must be proactive and collaborate to uphold the function of law also in the Metaverse.
We are an open, neutral, and interdisciplinary think-tank. Become a member of the Liquid Legal Institute and join the Metaverse (and many other) projects.
Weblaw Metaverse accompanies you in experiencing the Metaverse and in doing so, also in a comprehensive way, to learn the many possibilities for the legal professional everyday life.
"The metaverse offers tremendous opportunities for companies to create value and competitive advantage; lawyers can advise here once they've experienced it themselves."
- Torsten Schneider
Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
"The Metaverse is a new client-reality, as much as a business opportunity, as much as a huge challenge for the function of law. Therefore, it affects all aspects of legal work.“
- Dr. Dierk Schindler
"Experiencing human presence without the limits of local ties or biological constraints [...]. A deeply personal digital transformation of society."
- Dr. Anita Lamprecht
Lawyer and Researcher
"Metaverse is a technological disruption. Yet, the technology is opaque. We need to better understand this complex topic to become a player on the legal market."
- Dr. Bernhard Waltl